프리미엄 윈도우 필름 WINCOS
LINTEC은 일본의 접착, 점착, 코팅 분야의 종합제조회사 이며 업계 선두기업으로 사람과 사람, 기술과 기술의 결합에 따른 차별화된 독자적인 제품을 개발하는 것을 경영이념으로 하며 차량용 윈도우 필름을 비롯하여 건축용 필름, 반도체 제조 관련 필름, 광학 기능성 필름, 라벨의 점/접착필름, SEAL류, 헬스케어 관련 제품 등 매우 다양한 분야에 걸쳐 제품개발 및 제조 영역에서 활발히 활동하고 있습니다.
WINCOS는 LINTEC의 프리미엄 윈도우 필름 브랜드로 제조국인 일본을 비롯하여 북미, 유럽, 중동, 아시아 등 전 세계 윈도우 필름관련 시장에서 독자적인 기술을 바탕으로 신뢰와 사랑을 받고 있습니다.
Hiroyuki Nishio
Representative Director, |
린텍 (LINTEC Corporation) • 본사일본 • 설립1934년 10월 15일 • 직원 수4,800 명 • CEO & COOHiroyuki Nishio |
(결합) | (기술) |
LINTEC은 회사 내/외부의 긴밀한 협업관계와 최첨단 R&D 프로그램의 중요성을 인식하고, 사업철학의 두가지 핵심요소인 “결합”과 “기술”에 모토를 두고 있습니다.
이를 통하여 혁신적인 솔루션을 개발함으로서 일본 및 해외에서의 번영, 사업성장, 사회전반의 밝은 미래를 선도하는 역동적이고 신뢰받는 기업으로 명성을 확립하였습니다.
LINTEC의 모든 사업을 뒷받침 하는 것은 당사의 두가지 가치인 “성실성”과 “창의성”입니다.
“FUJI SHOKAI” was established in Sugamo, Tokyo in April 1927, and started production of gummed tape. Gummed tape is tape coated by a water-soluble adhesive on craft paper and is used by wetting the adhesive surface for attachments such as stamps. At that time, the demand expanded rapidly as the cardboard box replaced the wooden box.
This is the origin of the adhesive technology and the precision thin-film coating technology of our company. We started our business in earnest as “FUJI SHIKO CORPORATION*” in 1934 after we moved our base to Itabashi, Tokyo.
* Company name was changed to “FSK CORPORATION” in 1984.
We built sales offices in major Japanese cities including Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Sendai, and Fukuoka to respond to reconstruction demand after the war. At the same time, we established new domestic factories one after another, including the Tatsuno Plant (at that time called the “Kansai Plant”), which is the current main manufacturing base.
In 1960, we started manufacturing and sales of adhesive materials for seals and labels, which are our current major products. In addition, in 1962, we developed an automatic packaging machine (cardboard box automatic sealing machine) manufacturing department, and established in the industry a unique style that is the combination of “adhesive materials and related equipment” and that led us to today’s business.
In the 1970s, we started developing and manufacturing labeling machines and label printing machines. In addition, we moved ahead with new application developments for adhesive materials including window films for buildings to enhance the safety of glass and marking film, so called “paint to be attached” used for signboards and body stripe stickers for automobiles and motorcycles.
In 1986, for the first time in the industry, we developed a UV curable dicing tape that can control adhesive strength by irradiation of ultraviolet rays (UV) and entered into the semiconductor-related field.
In April 1990, we merged with SHIKOKU PAPER CO., LTD., and SOHKEN KAKO CO., LTD., and started “LINTEC CORPORATION”. We developed an integrated manufacturing system from upstream (base paper for release papers) to downstream (adhesive products), and at the same time, we expanded our business to the fields of specialty papers, release papers and films.
In 1991, we entered into the field of optical functional films for LCDs. In addition, during this period, in Indonesia and Singapore we established local manufacturing bases and sales bases, which still play the main role in our business in Southeast Asia.
In addition to the establishment of new manufacturing bases in Suzhou, China and in Korea, we are promoting the rapid establishment and expansion of our manufacturing and sales network centered on Asian regions. Furthermore, we are striving domestically to introduce the most advanced equipment and to establish a high-efficiency manufacturing system, which included the reorganization of the Tatsuno Plant in 2008.
The LINTEC Group continues to grow further with technological innovation and new product development pre-empting the needs of the present age based on the unique adhesive technologies cultivated since the foundation of the company.